Curricular Concert Band
Wind Ensemble
The Wind Ensemble is comprised of woodwind and brass musicians at the advanced-intermediate level. Members of the Wind Ensemble work on the development of instrumental technique, ensemble performance skills, and overall musicianship through a wide variety of musical selections and rehearsal activities, through full ensemble band and chamber music settings. Members of Wind Ensemble, Major are eligible for leadership roles in the band program. Students are expected to practice regularly throughout the year. Private lessons are strongly encouraged for all students in the band. Attendance and participation is required at all concerts and performances as scheduled by the director. Students must be available for two after school rehearsals before the concerts with the Percussion. In addition, students in Wind Ensemble Major will work in advanced chamber ensembles and have the opportunity to be a student leader. Students hoping to make instrumental music an important part of their lives at Cheltenham (including the opportunity to perform in the Pep Band, Jazz Band, and Indoor Percussion Ensemble) must enroll in a band class.
Members of Percussion work on the development of percussion performance skills, technique, and overall musicianship through a wide variety of music selections and rehearsal activities. Students are expected to practice regularly throughout the year. Private lessons are strongly encouraged for all students in Percussion. Attendance and participation is required at all concerts and performances as scheduled by the director.
Students must be available for two after school rehearsals before the concerts with the Concert/Symphonic Winds. In addition, students in Percussion Major will work on advanced techniques and in chamber groups. Students hoping to make music an important part of their lives at Cheltenham (including the opportunity to perform in the award-winning Marching Band, Jazz Band, and Indoor Percussion Ensemble) must enroll in a band class. .
Performance Slideshow
Contact Information
Matthew Berntsen
Band Director, Music Department Chair
(215)-517-3700 x5731
Extra Curricular
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The BPA (Band Parents Association) supports Marching Band, Jazz Band, Indoor Percussion and Winterguard.